During one weekend in May, I started in Lynchburg for Sarah and Ernst’s wedding on Friday the 18th, spent the night at my good old former home near LC’s campus, the White Catsle. I then drove to Roanoke on Saturday morning for a family session with Siobhan, Trey and Collins and got back home on Saturday night. On Sunday, I photographed a wedding at Rust Manor with Julie and Eric. This wedding was 10 minutes from my house and probably the closest wedding to home I have ever been a part of. It felt very odd, but after driving some miles to and central Virginia on Friday and Saturday, it felt nice to be close to home.
I love learning about traditions like this and seeing them all in person through out the day was truly special. I am so happy for these two and loved being a part of this day, especially since I have known Sarah and her family for some time now! I have actually learned a bit from her dad Robert, a fellow photographer, who I have had the pleasure of knowing and working with since we both were photographing basketball games at LC. I have known his daughter and the lovely bride Sarah since our time at LC! She has accomplished so much in her career since then and I can’t wait to hear about their time in Ohio! Getting to know Ernst has made me even happier for her as I have seriously never seen two people look at each other the way they do. Congrats Sarah and Ernst! Thanks for having me!

Roanoke Family Session
The lovely Siobhan is also a friend of mine from college and seeing her for a few hours in person last weekend as a MOM left me speechless at times. She and Trey are amazing parents to little Collins and I can’t put into words what it was like watching them care for her through out the day. She is such a good baby and was actually one of the most cooperative little ones I have ever photographed. At nearly 6 months she’s close to teething so keeping her hand out of her mouth was the only challenge at times but if that’s the biggest concern during a family session, I’ll take it! She lasted a good while with the camera in her face while also scoping out and walking around downtown Roanoke with her parents and her grandparents. This all made for a solid Saturday afternoon with one of my favorite families and seeing how this family’s life has transformed over the last couple of years has been so fun to see and I can’t wait to visit again. Thanks Siobhan, Trey (Go O’s), and Collins for having me!
Julie and Eric’s first dance was so sweet and after watching that, one could tell that these two had been through so much together and that they were in awe to finally have that moment together. Just scroll down and you will see what I am talking about. Huge congrats and lots of love to Julie and Eric!

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